Angela Hales
Angela Hales (RYT 500) is based in Atlanta, GA. On retreat with Angela, expect to receive individualized attention and the tools to tap into your inner strength, find healing, and advance your practice, for people of all abilities. Angela’s classes pay close attention not just to exploring asana safely, but to all eight limbs of classical yoga. A yoga practitioner since 2009, she has experienced positive transformation through a dedicated practice and the continuous study of yoga philosophy. Angela has studied with Becky Nickerson and Susan Hopkins, receiving her 200-hour and 300-hour yoga teaching certifications, respectively. She also credits her Virginia-based teacher, Thunder Lane, with introducing her to the ancient yogic texts.
Angela is an open and accessible teacher who loves learning from her students. She currently teaches weekly vinyasa, hatha basics, and yin yoga classes, along with regular workshops ranging from arm-balancing workshops to intention-setting workshops for the new year. She has traveled extensively and lived in rural eastern France. With a master’s degree in International Higher Education and as a French-speaker, she enjoys working with the international community in Atlanta when not teaching yoga.