Covid-19 Safety Adaptations
Health and Safety Requirements
Many of us spent 2020 on our mats in kitchens and living rooms connecting virtually with the communities that helped us breathe through uncertainty. While those days are, thankfully, behind us, we all want to move into the world safely and consciously.
Intelligently planning an escape requires the understanding that COVID-19 is now a part of our everyday lives. Whether we’re out running an errand or planning an adventure, our daily choices are all about mitigating risk. Our procedures, in concert with our international teams and dissemination of country specific requirements, are designed for the safety enjoyment of all travelers. Our expectations that travelers’ maintain updated health and hygiene standards is implicit in each departure.
For travel starting on or after April 1st, 2023:
From April 1st and beyond, travelers will no longer be required to provide proof of vaccination to join an adventure with The Travel Yogi. However, we strongly recommend that all travelers get vaccinated to protect themselves as well as their fellow travelers. Please note that proof of vaccination may be required by Customs & Immigration in certain countries. It is the traveler's responsibility to check those requirements prior to booking and departure.
After booking travelers will receive a copy of Traveler Responsibilities with regards to monitoring their health. All travelers are expected to abide by these guidelines and report any illness to the teacher and/or local guides. If a traveler displays COVID-19 symptoms, local medical advice will be sought for the safety of the traveler. If a traveler tests positive for COVID-19 while traveling they will need to be isolated from the group for a minimum of 5 days and may rejoin the group after testing negative or once presenting as asymptomatic. Please note that local guidelines around positive COVID tests may be more strict than those mentioned above. Local requirements and laws, if more strict, will supersede the protocol outlined above.
The team at The Travel Yogi is here to answer any questions. Our policies will shift and change in accordance with international governments and best practices so that you can focus on the sheer enjoyment of adventuring. We are following recommendations set out by the WHO, the CDC, the ATTA and the world renowned Cleveland Clinic and the World Travel & Tourism Council, as well as foreign governments and health equivalents that set protocols for their country’s safety. Your decision to travel is a personal one and our procedures are designed to assure you of the steps we are taking to promote healthy and safe adventures.