Betsy Shilling
In her early years, Betsy was homeschooled. This unconventional upbringing laid the foundation for a lifetime of self-teaching and gave her the freedom to pursue her passions during most hours of most days. Growing up, she was either training at the dojo or dance studio, searching for animals to rescue, staring into the sky and pondering the supernatural, looking after her younger sister, or studying everyone and everything (especially herself). Some decades later, not much has changed, except that those passions are somehow now her profession.
Betsy identifies as a nerd-athlete-mystic hybrid and she is dedicated to supporting your growth and wellness in brain, body and being. Her knowledge and teachings of yoga are born from her insatiable curiosity, sound methodology, ongoing study, and daily embodiment. Her practice bridges Western and Eastern wisdom and integrates complimentary movement and therapeutic disciplines. Her lessons are inspired by and advocate for nature, equality, science and compassion. She strives to lead by example and encourages her students to study themselves and to lean into what challenges them most in order step-up and into their innate power, wholeness and joy. She hopes her classes and events provide the inspiration, guidance and laughter for them to do just that.
Betsy offers group classes and private sessions throughout the Seattle area as well as local and global teacher trainings and events. She specializes in fascial health and guides Myofascial Release, Yoga Tune Up® and Prana Flow inspired Vinyasa classes. She is also a budding NeuroKinetic Therapist and Thai Yoga Practitioner. In the years between her childhood and today, she taught martial arts, helped raised other people’s children, earned her BA in Psychology and researched, practiced and taught meditation, psychobiology, and women’s health. Betsy is very grateful for the privilege of studying under many incredible teachers, especially Jill Miller, Shiva Rea, Cosetta Romani and Master Yom.
E-RYT 500, Yoga Tune Up® Teacher Certified, NeuroKinetic Therapist, Lululemon Ambassador, BA Psychology, Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do<