Travel Smarts :: Creating a STEP Account

Is the breathtaking landscape of Patagonia calling your name? Are you dreaming of those magical vineyards in France? Are you lusting after some blissed out yoga practice in Bali?

We see you and we are right there with you…

So, even if you’re not looking at a trip until later this year or the next, it’s never too early to start planning. Being well-prepared and informed will help you cut down on as many unknowns as possible and give you some added peace of mind when it comes time to throw up that “OOO” notification. 

An important aspect of this preparation that may not be on your radar, is the creation of a STEP account. Creating a “Smart Traveler Enrollment Program” account with the US Department of State checks off more than a few boxes for added piece of mind while traveling. 

The nitty gritty is that a STEP account allows US citizens to enroll their trip with the nearest US Embassy or Consulate, which offers a host of protective benefits, including:

  • Receiving important info from the Embassy on your destination country. This helps to keep you up-to-date on important information that could influence your travel plans. This could be immensely helpful if there are any issues with border closures. Live and learn!  
  • An established point of contact in the case of an emergency during travel. No one likes to think of the worst case scenario, but whether it’s a natural disaster, civil unrest, or a family emergency, you’ll be glad to have this added layer in the event that your circumstances change while abroad.
  • An established point of contact for family or friends to reach you, in the event of an emergency back home. Should anything out of the ordinary happen back home while you’re away (we certainly hope not!), family and close friends will be able to get ahold of you quickly to keep you informed and up to date. 
  • Free bird… That’s right, added protection without added cost? Yes please. 

With any type of travel, it’s all about being as prepared as possible. With all the lessons of 2020 under our belts, heading out again will be a matter of choosing the right style of adventure and putting your new world-wise lessons into action. Reducing travel stress with information and safety nets (hello travel insurance) will allow you to immerse yourself in the experience, as you should. With the right tools in hand and support as you adventure you’ll be able to enjoy that private sommelier in France, realllllly let go in savasana, snorkel with the penguins in Galapagos… you get the picture.

So, STEP up when you’re ready to pull out your passport, buzz us with any questions and, sooner than later, away we’ll all go…