Erica Jung
Erica is a teacher all about connection. Having served in healthcare along side one of New Jersey’s top physician she wanted to bring more power and awareness back to her patients and found her true calling in yoga and holistic health.
Her unique practice and teachings stem from an eclectic background aimed at drawing students out of a place of fear and into a space of fun, freedom, and flight. Heavily influenced by Ashtanga’s traditional practice and her time studying in India, she accredits her diversity to studying regularly with her inspirations, Raghunath Cappo, Tiffany Cruikshank, and Rodney Yee and melding ancient philosophies and teachings with modern day realities.
Through her teachings she hopes to break down the walls of old beliefs and get students back in touch with self, bringing a deeper dimension to their practices. Expect to experience more than you thought possible in an alignment conscious creatively playful class, and renew your sense of confidence all while laughing and sweating.
Erica is honored to have been chosen again as a Lululemon Ambassador and can be regularly seen with Sadie Nardini on Rock Your Yoga as well as Jai Sugrim’s Yoga Sutra Now.
As an 500hr E-RYT she feels blessed to share her passions and serve community via her studio, Trepta Yoga as well as connecting with students worldwide via retreats, leading 300hr teacher trainings and workshops.