Erika Ramberg
From an early age, I’ve been a seeker. Born in Seattle, I’ve lived in Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Tel Aviv, and Berlin. In each of these places I was searching for something. I think it was happiness, or freedom, or a ‘reason’ for life when my existential suitcase was feeling pretty heavy. It was on a cold, dark Berlin day that I stumbled into a yoga class, and for the first time in a long time, something clicked. I knew I was in the right place. In the warmth of the yoga studio, I found space to slow down, stop my running, and to learn to let be. After a long history of anxiety and eating disorder issues, yoga gave me the tools to understand that life is a gift, and it is our duty to live it to the fullest.
I am trained in Jivamukti and Ashtanga yoga. These methods are vigorous, spiritually uplifting and rooted in the principles of compassion for all beings. I’ve studied with Sharon Gannon and David Life, Richard Freeman and Maty Ezraty, and have a very keen eye for alignment and precision. The aim is not perfection, but training the body and mind to be attentive.
I believe wholeheartedly that our bodies are our laboratories in which we can learn to understand ourselves and our universe. As we heal through yoga, we begin to heal our relationships to others, and even our planet.
While this all might sound really serious, teaching and practicing with a sense of humor is key. An essential part of the yoga practice is remembering that it is fun! The joy this practice gives me is infections, and I can’t wait to share it with you.